Promoting Environmental Conservation and Safety Through Responsible Care

Practicing Environmental Management

We aim to live with society and to be in harmony with the environment through environmental management by adhering to the principles of RC

Creating Model Plants for Performance Chemicals

All Factories in Japan Obtained ISO 9001 Certification

a product quality certificate issued by the International Organization for Standardization
바카라 사이트 추천emical is continuing to promote automation with our engineering workers constructing more unique and advanced production systems

Nagoya Factory

이 시설에서 제조된 제품에는 폴리우레탄 화학물질이 포함되어 있습니다.

Operation Date: 1968
Area: approx2

Kinuura Factory

The Kinuura Factory has been producing alkylene oxide adducts (AOAs

Operation Date: 2010
Area: approx2

카시마 공장

This factory is responsible for the manufacture of products such as toner resins

Operation Date: 1976
Area: approx2

and Research Laboratory

Products manufactured at this factory include lubricant additives

Operation Date: 1949
Area: approx2