Our goal is to be a company where everyone is satisfied with their job because their individuality is valued and they can work with comfort and peace of mind

diversity brings innobation

DEI at Sanyo Chemical

DiversityValuing diversity means respecting differences

and are committed to building a safe and comfortable work environment for everyone

EquityEquity means guaranteeing fair treatment

Equality refers to treating everyone the same without taking individual differences into account
Equity refers to giving each individual what they need to achieve his or her goals
we promote the creation of systems and initiatives that suit the circumstances and environment of each worker

InclusionInclusion: Increasing others' sense of belonging to an organization

we will work to improve psychological safety within the company to create an environment where diverse individuals and groups are respected

Targets and Results

*Horizontally scrollable

Policies Details/Items Targets (deadlines) 2023년 results Evaluation
Overall DEI promotion Checking of various initiatives Received highest award from
D&I Award 2023
Certified in 바카라 확률23 A
Women’s empowerment
  • Female leader ratio
  • Female manager ratio
  • Female director ratio
  • Rate of male employees taking childcare leave
  • 15% or higher (FYE2023)
  • 6% or higher (FYE2023)
  • 30% or higher (FYE2030)
  • 100% (FYE2025)
  • 15.3%*1
  • 4.9%*1
  • 22.2%*1
  • 92.4%*2
(1) A
(2) C
(3) C
(4) B
LGBTQ Raising awareness inside and outside the company Received GOLD award from PRIDE Index 2023 Certified in 바카라 확률23
(five consecutive years)
Employees with disabilities
  • Support for continued employment
  • Employment rate
  • Infrastructure development (FYE2023)
  • 2.5% (바카라 확률24)
(1) Developed
(2) 2.71%*3
(1) A
(2) A
Foreign nationals (non-Japanese) Number of foreign employees hired 2 or more hired every year 3 people A

Rating guideline A: Target achieved B: Steady progress C: Target not achieved despite improvement (or progress) D: Target substantially missed or efforts insufficient

  • As of March 31, 2024
  • Calculated according to the provisions of the Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life
  • As of June 1, 2024

DEI Promotion System

we have been strengthening related internal infrastructure by appointing a dedicated DEI promotion officer to further accelerate support for not only women but also minorities in the company

and Take Acti바카라 확률oward DEI Promotion

Diversity Month

and have been holding seminars and events related to DEI to further raise awareness among our directors and employees

Launch of the DEI Portal

we have launched the DEI Portal for internal use to collect and regularly disseminate information 바카라 확률he Group's efforts to promote DEI

Creation of the DEI Ally Network

The network enables employees to regularly meet to share objectives and information and exchange views

  • We define "ally" as an inclusive supporter of DEI

Employee survey

we conduct an employee survey concerning DEI to check changes in employee awareness and help us formulate related measures

Promoting Women's Empowerment

We have formulated an action plan based 바카라 확률he Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life

Male Leaders Coalition for Empowerment of Women

The 4th Action Plan based 바카라 확률he Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (April 2024 - March 2026)

The 4th Action Plan based 바카라 확률he Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (in Korean only)

Number/ratio of female leaders

Number/ratio of female leaders

Number/ratio of female managers

Number/ratio of female managers

Employees taking childcare leave (as of March 31)

*Horizontally scrollable

바카라 확률19 바카라 확률20 바카라 확률21 바카라 확률22 바카라 확률23
Men (people) 37 40 47 55 61
Women (people) 13 17 11 17 10
Rate of employees returning to work after childcare leave (%) 100 100 100 100 98.8
Retention rate (%) 97.7 100 100 100 92.6
  • Includes those seconded to Group companies
    Rate of employees returning to work after childcare leave = employees returning to work ÷ employees intending to return to work × 100
    Retention rate = Employees who returned to work in the previous fiscal year and were employed at the Company as of March 31 of the current fiscal year ÷ Employees who returned to work in the previous fiscal year x 100

Reduced work hours for childcare (as of March 31)

*Horizontally scrollable

바카라 확률19 바카라 확률20 바카라 확률21 바카라 확률22 바카라 확률23
Men (people) 0 0 0 0 0
Women (people) 16 12 4 6 7
  • Includes those seconded to Group companies

Reform of employee awareness and corporate culture

and participate in the IkuBOSS Declaration and IkuBOSS Corporate Alliance

바카라 확률

Workshops at executive training camps

바카라 확률

Participation in the Ikuboss Corporate Alliance

Encouragement of men to take childcare leave

we will achieve a good work-life balance for all employees while boosting women's motivati바카라 확률o work

  • In-line with revisions to the Act 바카라 확률he Welfare of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave in October 2022

Number/rate of male employees taking childcare leave

Number/rate of male employees taking childcare leave
  • The rate of male employees taking childcare leave is calculated according to the provisions of the Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life

Measures to Promote Women’s Empowerment

In additi바카라 확률o implementing various measures to create a workplace where both men and women can work comfortably and feel fulfilled

바카라 확률23 Training

*Horizontally scrollable

Training Details Results
Open Training
Women’s Network Seminar
Seminar aimed at encouraging women to proactively think about their own career development and take action
Open to women of all departments
5 seminars total
Seminar to support balancing work and childcare for those returning to work from childcare leave Seminar aimed at helping those returning to work after childcare leave to build rewarding careers while balancing work and childcare
videos of the seminar were distributed to male employees who had had children born and their supervisors
A total of 32 participants: 15 women returning from childcare leave
including 66 men whose children were born and 29 of their bosses
(excludes participants and training hours associated with external partners)
Outside Directors Salon A meeting between outside director Aya Shirai and employees 바카라 확률he promotion of women's activities 10 assemblies total
Osaka University Style Industry-Academia
Co-Creation Educational Business Development Program
The "Program for Innovation in Promoting Women's Advancement" sees female employees from several companies and female students from Osaka University gather to learn together with the aim of building leadership among women 3일
4 participants
The "Program for Career Advancement Support during Childcare Leave " enables employees on childcare leave to take classes at Osaka University to advance their careers Once a week for six months
1 participant
21st Century Seminar for Women’s Empowerment organized by the Japan Institute for Women’s Empowerment & Diversity Management 9 seminars total
2개 participant
  • we also held seminars for managers to develop their subordinates
바카라 확률

Women's Network Seminars

Seminar to support balancing work and childcare
for those returning to work from childcare leave

Outside Directors Salon

21st Century Seminar for Women’s Empowerment

Major systems to support continued employment

*Horizontally scrollable

Programs/Measures Details
Childcare leave Available until the child turns one year old
if there are reasons such as not being able to enroll in a nursery school or other facility
Reduced work hours for childcare Available until a child finishes the 4th grade of elementary school
Short work hours May shorten work hours by two hours per day
Staggered work hours May shift start and end times by 30 minutes forward or backward

we have also established a number of other systems aimed at achieving ideal work-life balance

바카라 예측 to hold monthly

Gender pay gap

(Unit: %)

*Horizontally scrollable

바카라 확률19 바카라 확률20 바카라 확률21 바카라 확률22 바카라 확률23
All workers*1*2*3 68.8 68.9
Regular employees as a percentage of all employees*4 73.8 72.9
Part-time and fixed-term workers as a percentage of all workers*5 42.5 46.1
  1. Workers include those seconded to subsidiaries and affiliates
  2. Calculated based on provisions of the Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No
  3. there is no gap in wages between men and women in the same position or role
  4. Factors contributing to the gap in wages between men and women by position are as follows:

    *Horizontally scrollable

    Position Gender
    wage gap
    Factors behind wage gap
    Managerial staff 95.8% There is almost no gender wage gap
    Rank-and-file employees 78.9% various allowances (surplus wages) based on family status and other factors such as family allowances and unaccompanied duty allowances are paid more to men

    Reference: The wage gap between men and women for standard wages excluding various allowances is 91

  5. The wage gap in this group is due to the fact that many retiree rehires are men with higher wage levels

Initiatives to correct the gender wage gap

In order to promote women to higher positions and increase the number of female managers and leaders
to achieve more balanced work styles for both men and women

Promoting a Better Understanding of LGBTQ People

The Sanyo Chemical Group*has been working on initiatives related to LGBTQ members
we also promote better awareness in society at large by cooperating with and participating in the activities of external organizations

  • Excluding certain countries that have LGBTQ-related regulations under laws (the same applies below for LGBTQ-related policies)

LGBT consultation services

we have established a policy to protect the privacy of those seeking consultation and prohibit disadvantageous treatment for having done so

Revision of Company regulations

we reviewed our benefits program and revised systems to accept spouses of either the same or opposite sex (to be eligible for such systems
and have standardized uniforms for both men and women (the same work uniforms and lab coats can be chosen regardless of gender)

Reform of employee awareness and corporate culture

all employees take part in workshops followed by small-group salons where they engage in discussions with LGBTQ people
we have created an online course (video) 바카라 확률he concept of SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) and encourage all employees to take the course
as an employee to work with us on further reforming our corporate culture

Training to Better Understand LGBTQ

LGBTQ workshop (video watching and chatting with LGBTQ people)

Kazue-chan (left) and Sanyo Chemical advisor

Kazue-chan의 LGBTQ 100 Ally video viewing session

Salon by Kazue-chan

Become an ally!

we have created merchandise that can be worn by or attached to the belongings of those who have declared themselves as such

we define allies as comprehensive supporters of DEI promotion

DEI Ally Network

Goods for indicating ally status in Japan

All-gender restrooms

we have installed an all-gender restroom that anyone can use regardless of gender

All-gender restroom

From the company to society

Participation in Rainbow Pride events

we participate in Rainbow Pride events in the regions where our domestic offices are located (Tokyo

Cooperation with the “Kyoto where diverse sexualities are respected” Promotion Network

including participation as a cooperating member of the Kyoto City Citizen-wide “Kyoto where diverse sexualities are respected ” Promotion Network
Ando (formerly President of Sanyo Chemical) through web media interviews and social media

Participation in Rainbow Pride events

On-site lessons

Kazue-chan의 YouTube 채널

Kyoto Bar Association's YouTube 채널

Kyoto Bar Association's 51st Gathering to Consider the Constitution and Human Rights

Changing Society as a Company - Sanyo Chemical's LGBTQ Initiatives

Promoting the Employment and Involvement of People with Disabilities

we promote various initiatives and have established and begun operating a support system for continued employment

Percentage of employees with disabilities (as of June 1)

*Horizontally scrollable

바카라 확률19 바카라 확률20 바카라 확률21 바카라 확률22 바카라 확률23
Employment rate (%) 2.18 2.17 2.09 2.23 2.06
Statutory employment rate (%) 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3
Employees 26 26 26 27 26
  • Includes those seconded to Group companies

Sanyo Chemical employs 32 people with disabilities

Training to Promote Understanding of Employees with Disabilities

"Training to Promote Understanding of Employees with Disabilities " was conducted by external instructors for directors as well as HR and general affairs staff at each business site
we have also created an online course (video) that provides basic information about disabilities and explains about reasonable accommodations

Training to Promote Understanding of Employees with Disabilities
(for directors)

인보내는 사람의 집 장비

We have installed multi-functi바카라 확률oilets and have upgraded entrance doors at business sites to automatic doors

Mirror Destination button

Destination button

Automatic door Slope

Office entrances and exits

Backrest with water faucet for washing pouches and bottles I-shaped handrail

Multifuncti바카라 확률oilet

Support for continued employment

We have established a support system that enables members with disabilities and those who work with them to expand their sphere of activity with peace of mind
an external consultation service to help with concerns caused by disabilities in the workplace and stresses at job sites

Promoting Senior Empowerment

we are expanding opportunities for seniors to utilize their wealth of experience and knowledge to engage in a broader range of pursuits as they pass on skills and develop their successors

Reemployment of retired employees

*Horizontally scrollable

바카라 확률19 바카라 확률20 바카라 확률21 바카라 확률22 바카라 확률23
Reemployed people 27 14 20 20 19
Reemployment rate (%) 87 81 87 100 79
  • Includes those seconded to Group companies

Promoting the Employment and Advancement of Global Talent

A diversity of human resources from various cultures is essential to the global business that the Sanyo Chemical Group aspires to

Employees with non-Japanese nationality (as of March 31)

*Horizontally scrollable

바카라 확률19 바카라 확률20 바카라 확률21 바카라 확률22 바카라 확률23
Reemployed people 17 12 13 12 11
  • Includes those seconded to Group companies

Education and Training

바카라 확률23 Results

*Horizontally scrollable

Topic Course/training name Eligible participants Instructors Participants
Total time
DEI Joint Lecture by Four Companies “Age Diversity from the Perspective of Intergenerational Gaps” Directors/employees External experts 165 330
DEI Training and Harassment Preventi바카라 확률raining New employees External experts 35 87.5
Women’s empowerment 21st Century Seminar for Women’s Empowerment Employees (mainly female leaders) External experts 2 79
Women’s Network Seminar Employees (women) External experts 9 180
Outside Female Directors Salon Employees Outside Directors 57 85.5
Seminar to support balancing work and childcare for those returning to work from childcare leave Employees who have had a child and their leaders External experts 127 175
Osaka University Style Industry-Academia Co-Creation Educational Business Development Program Employees (women suitable for program content) External experts 5 114
LGBTQ Salon by LGBTQ people Employees Internal staff 74 74
Online Mini Lecture SOGI (Sexual Orientation Directors/employees Internal staff 427 170.8
Employees with disabilities Training to Promote Understanding of Employees with Disabilities (for receiving departments) Employees External experts 59 29.5
Online Mini Lecture Employees with Disabilities Directors/employees Internal staff 893 357.2
Other Harassment Preventi바카라 확률raining Directors and managers (compulsory)
New employees
External experts 414 828

Reference: Major training and seminars held until 바카라 확률22

*Horizontally scrollable

Topic Course/training name Eligible participants Instructors
DEI Seminar to Better Understand DEI Directors and employees (compulsory) External experts
DEI Training (Development and Management of Diverse Employees) New management appointees External experts
Online Mini Lecture on Unconscious Bias Directors and employees Internal staff
Improving Teamwork for Better Work Performance Directors and employees Prominent people
Women’s empowerment IkuBOSS Keynote Speech (for directors) Directors External experts
IkuBOSS 세미나 Directors and employees External experts
Living Proactively in an Age When People Live
to 100
Directors and employees Advisors from other companies
LGBTQ Training to Better Understand LGBTQ Directors and employees External experts
LGBTQ Workshop (movie viewing and discussion) Directors and employees External experts
Employees with disabilities Training to Promote Understanding of Employees with Disabilities (for directors) Directors External experts
Training to Promote Understanding of Employees with Disabilities (for employees) HR and general affairs staff at each business site (open to all employees) External experts
Other Seminar to Support Balancing Work with Caregiving/Treatment (Basics) Directors and employees External experts
Seminar to Support Balancing Work with Caregiving/Treatment (Management) Directors and (primarily) managers External experts
Online Mini Lecture on Color Universal Design Directors and employees Internal staff
Seminar on In-Home Treatment and In-Home Caregiving Directors and employees External experts

External Evaluation

Received the highest rating of GOLD in the PRIDE Index for the sixth consecutive year

the company received the highest rating of GOLD in PRIDE Index 2024
" the PRIDE Index recognizes companies that are making outstanding efforts to disseminate specific initiatives to society

Recognized for the third year in a row as the Best Workplace

has four levels of awards awarded according to a score given based on evaluating 100 items comprising five aspects: LGBTQ+

Awarded the 3-star L-boshi (the highest grade)

Labour and Welfare certifies companies that have formulated and submitted action plans based 바카라 확률he Act 바카라 확률he Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life and that are in good standing in terms of their implementation

Awarded Kurumin/Platinum Kurumin certification

" and Platinum Kurumin certification is awarded to Kurumin certification holders that demonstrate a particularly high level of commitment
we were the first company in Kyoto Prefecture to receive Kurumin certification