Under our valued Company Mission “Establish a better society through our corporate activities” we believe that contributing to the development of a sustainable society is the prerequisite for the company’s continued existence and growth and that employees to have pride and job satisfaction are indispensable for its realization

have changed the corporate culture into one where each employee feels pride and satisfaction in their work while staying true to themselves by accelerating the promotion of female participation and career advancement in the workplace and i management

the Company strengthened its business division system to accelerate the shift to higher value-added products and implementation of business activities from the customers’ point of view

In order to further increase the corporate valueWaku Waku company*based on what we have established so far where each employee is motivated to constantly take on new challenges

up-lifting feeling inspired by inner motivations and/or own wills

efforts to create a low-carbon and recycling-based society are being enhanced at an accelerating pace on a global scale

and promote sustainable corporate management from a long-term point of view in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities based on the Company Mission

Surface control technology is our strength and has solved issues for a wide range of customers regardless of what field they engage in

The 바카라 잘하는 법emical Group will continue endeavoring to realize a better society

아키노리 히구치

Representative Director