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온라인 바카라 주소 supports installation of fine dust notice boards at five schools in Cheongju 글보기
온라인 바카라 주소 supports installation of fine dust notice boards at five schools in Cheongju
Name 담당자 Posted 2022.04.27 00:00 Views 2,799
On April 27, 온라인 바카라 주소 HN conducted a project to install fine dust notice boards with the Choruk Umbrella Children's Foundation to create a safe environment for children in Cheongju.
The fine dust notice board is configured to visualize the fine dust concentration state like a traffic light so that children can easily grasp the information.
By installing it in a school where students who are relatively vulnerable to fine dust spend most of their time,
It is expected to raise awareness of air pollution and contribute to increase responsiveness to fine dust.
With this support, we installed 5 schools in Cheongju Gari Middle School, Gagyeong Middle School, Duksung Elementary School, Satar Elementary School and Lava Elementary School.
Fine dust notice board support is a social contribution activity that takes advantage of the characteristics of the 온라인 바카라 주소 HN environmental business sector, and has been installed in a total of 14 schools and one daycare center in Cheongju so far.
온라인 바카라 주소