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Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of processing personal 바카라 필승법

Ecopro Co., Ltd., Ecopro HN Co., Ltd., Ecopro BM Co., Ltd., Ecopro Materials Co., Ltd., Ecopro Global Co., Ltd. (here in after “Ecopro”) collect personal 바카라 필승법 for the following reasons.

1) Ethical Management Reporting: Collection of author 바카라 필승법 for website cyber reporting by visitors

2. Items of personal 바카라 필승법 to be processed

Ecopro collects the following personal 바카라 필승법 within the minimum necessary scope for service provision.
1) Report
• Required items: name, email, phone number, subject, report type, details, password
• Optional items: Attached file (name, e-mail, phone number in case of anonymous reporting)
• Collection method: Direct input by visitors on the website

* Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal 바카라 필승법 collection devices
Ecopro operates 'Cookie' that store and find your 바카라 필승법 from time to time. ‘Cookie’ is a very small text file that sent to your browser by the server used to run the website and stored on your computer's hard disk.
Ecopro does not use ‘Cookie’ for any purpose, and if you wish to refuse stored ‘Cookie’, please refer to the settings below.
* How to reject ‘Cookie’ settings
As a method of rejecting ‘Cookie’ setting, you can allow all ‘Cookie’ by selecting the option of the web browser you are using, go through confirmation whenever ‘Cookie’ saves, or refuse to save all ‘Cookie’
- Example of setting method (in case of Internet Explorer): Tools at the top of the web browser Internet Options Even if you refuse to install ‘Cookie’, there is no problem in using the service, but there may be difficulties in using the online visit reservation service that requires login.

3. Personal 바카라 필승법 processing and retention period

After the purpose of collecting and using personal 바카라 필승법 is achieved, Ecopro destroys the 바카라 필승법 without delay as follows.
1) Report: Destroy the 바카라 필승법 without delay after the purpose of use is achieved However, the following 바카라 필승법 is retained for the specified period for the following reasons.
• Preservation items: name, email, phone number, title, report type, details
• Grounds for retention: identity of the informant, management of the report history, contact when responding to the contents of the report
• Retention period: 1 year

4. Matters concerning consignment of personal 바카라 필승법

Ecopro outsources personal 바카라 필승법 processing tasks to provide smooth service. The company entrusts the following tasks in relation to the processing (handling) of personal 바카라 필승법, and takes necessary measures to ensure that personal 바카라 필승법 is safely managed when signing a consignment contract in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. In addition, the consignment processing 바카라 필승법 is limited to the minimum 바카라 필승법 required to provide smooth service. When entrusting the processing (handling) of customers' personal 바카라 필승법, the company and purpose of consignment are as follows.

Consignment company Entrusted business details
Plan i Co. homepage maintenance service operation

5. Matters concerning the provision of personal 바카라 필승법 to third parties

Ecopro, in principle, does not provide the user's personal 바카라 필승법 to the outside world. However, the following cases are exceptions.
1) When users have agreed in advance
2) In accordance with the provisions of the law or in accordance with the procedures and methods set forth in the law for the purpose of investigation, if there is a request from the investigative agency

6. Matters concerning the destruction of personal 바카라 필승법

In principle, Ecopro destroys the 바카라 필승법 without delay after the purpose of collecting and processing personal 바카라 필승법 is achieved. The destruction procedure and method are as follows.

1) Destruction procedure
The 바카라 필승법 entered by the visitor is destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time in accordance with internal policies and reasons for 바카라 필승법 protection pursuant to other relevant laws (see retention and use period) after the purpose is achieved. Stored personal 바카라 필승법 is not used for any purpose other than as required by law.

2) Destruction method
• Personal 바카라 필승법 stored in the form of electronic files is deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the record.
• Personal 바카라 필승법 printed on paper is shredded with a shredder or destroyed by incineration.

7. Matters concerning the rights/obligations of the 바카라 필승법 subject and their exercise

As a subject of 바카라 필승법, visitors can exercise the following rights.

1) Request to view personal 바카라 필승법
Personal 바카라 필승법 files held by EcoPro may be requested to be viewed in accordance with Article 35 (Inspection of Personal 바카라 필승법) of the Personal 바카라 필승법 Protection Act. When requesting access to personal 바카라 필승법, access may be restricted in accordance with Article 35, Paragraph 5 of the Act.
• When viewing is prohibited or restricted by law
• When there is a risk of harming the life or body of another person, or when there is a risk of unfairly infringing on another person's property or other interests

2) Request for correction/deletion of personal 바카라 필승법
Personal 바카라 필승법 files held by Ecopro may be requested to be corrected/deleted in accordance with Article 36 (correction/deletion of personal 바카라 필승법) of the 「Personal 바카라 필승법 Protection Act」.
However, if the personal 바카라 필승법 is specified as subject to collection in other laws, the deletion cannot be requested.

3) Request to suspend processing of personal 바카라 필승법
In accordance with Article 37 of the 「Personal 바카라 필승법 Protection Act」 (Suspension of processing of personal 바카라 필승법, etc.), you can request the suspension of processing of personal 바카라 필승법 files held by EcoPro.

In addition, when requesting suspension of personal 바카라 필승법 processing, the request for suspension of processing may be rejected in the following cases pursuant to Article 37 Paragraph 2 of the Act.
• In cases where there are special provisions in the law or it is unavoidable to comply with legal obligations
• If there is a risk of harming the life/body of another person or of unreasonably infringing on another person's property or other interests
• In cases where it is difficult to fulfill the contract, such as failure to provide services agreed with the 바카라 필승법 subject, if personal 바카라 필승법 is not processed, and the 바카라 필승법 subject has not clearly stated their intention to terminate the contract

4) Protection of personal 바카라 필승법 of children under the age of 14
In principle, EcoPro does not collect personal 바카라 필승법 from children under the age of 14.

8. Matters concerning measures to ensure the safety of personal 바카라 필승법

Ecopro takes the following technical, administrative, and physical measures necessary to secure safety in accordance with Article 29 of the 「Personal 바카라 필승법 Protection Act」 to prevent personal 바카라 필승법 from being lost, stolen, leaked, falsified or damaged in handling personal 바카라 필승법 of visitors. However, EcoPro does not take any responsibility for problems caused by leakage of personal 바카라 필승법 due to the negligence of individual visitors or problems on the Internet.
1) Establishment and implementation of internal management plan
Ecopro's internal management plan is established and implemented in compliance with the internal management guidelines of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

2) Minimization and training of personal 바카라 필승법 processing personnel
We designate and minimize the person in charge of handling personal 바카라 필승법, and safely manage personal 바카라 필승법 through regular training for the person in charge.

3) Restriction of access to personal 바카라 필승법
We take necessary measures to control access to personal 바카라 필승법 by granting, changing, or canceling access rights to the database system that handles personal 바카라 필승법, and we control unauthorized access from outside by using an intrusion prevention system.

4) Storage of access records and prevention of forgery/falsification
Records of access to the personal 바카라 필승법 processing system (web log, summary 바카라 필승법, etc.) are stored and managed for at least 6 months or more for 1 year, and security functions are used to prevent forgery, alteration, theft or loss of access records.

5) Encryption of personal 바카라 필승법
Important personal 바카라 필승법 of visitors is encrypted and stored and managed. In addition, we use separate security functions such as encrypting important data when storing and transmitting.

6) Technical measures against hacking, etc.
Ecopro installs a security program to prevent leakage and damage of personal 바카라 필승법 caused by hacking or computer viruses, periodically updates/inspects the system, installs the system in an area where access from outside is controlled, and technically/physically monitors and blocks it. It also detects attempts to illegally change 바카라 필승법 as well as network traffic monitoring.

7) Physical measures for safe storage of personal 바카라 필승법
We set up a separate physical storage location for the personal 바카라 필승법 system that stores personal 바카라 필승법, and establish and operate access control procedures. In addition, we take physical measures such as installing a locking device for the safe management of documents with personal 바카라 필승법.

8) Operation of an organization dedicated to personal 바카라 필승법 protection
Through an in-house personal 바카라 필승법 protection organization, we check the implementation of personal 바카라 필승법 protection measures and compliance with the person in charge, and take corrective action immediately when a problem is found.

9. Matters concerning the person in charge of personal 바카라 필승법 protection

Ecopro has a person in charge of personal 바카라 필승법 protection to protect the personal 바카라 필승법 of visitors and handle complaints from visitors related to personal 바카라 필승법. If you have any inquiries regarding personal 바카라 필승법, please contact the person in charge of personal 바카라 필승법 protection or the department in charge of personal 바카라 필승법 protection below.

1) Person in charge of personal 바카라 필승법 protection
• Name: Hojun Song
• Position: CEO
• Contact:+82-43-714-7839

10. Department that receives/processes requests for access to personal 바카라 필승법

Ecopro operates a customer counseling department for smooth communication with visitors in relation to personal 바카라 필승법 access requests, and the contact 바카라 필승법 is as follows.

1) Report
• Department: Audit Team
• Name: Heejong Kim
• Title: Chief
• Contact:+82-43-210-0702
• Mail:hjkim2@ecopro.co.kr

11. Remedy method for infringement of rights and interests of 바카라 필승법 subject

If your rights and interests regarding personal 바카라 필승법 are infringed or if you need consultation, please contact the following organizations.

• Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal 바카라 필승법 Infringement Reporting Center (http://privacy.kisa.or.kr / 118 without an area code)
• Supreme Prosecutor's Office Cyber ​​Investigator (http://www.spo.go.kr / 1301 without area code)
• National Police Agency Cyber ​​Security Bureau (http://cyberbureau.police.go.kr / 182 without area code)
• Personal 바카라 필승법 Dispute Mediation Committee (http://www.kopico.go.kr / 1833-6972)

Matters concerning changes to the personal 바카라 필승법 processing policy

This Privacy Policy was revised on February 17, 2023, and in the event of addition, deletion, or modification of contents due to enactment/revision of relevant laws, government policy changes, changes in EcoPro internal policies, or changes in security technology At least 7 days prior to the revision, we will notify you of the reason for the change and its details through our website.

However, if important matters such as provision of personal 바카라 필승법 to a third party, change in purpose of collection/use, change in retention period, etc. are changed, we will notify them on 'News & Notice' on the homepage.

Privacy policy revision date: February 17, 2023