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LEADER IN 로투스 바카라

a leader in 'white oil' 로투스 바카라 materials in the fourth industry.Even at this moment, the world is passing on clear skies and clean earth conditions to future generations. We are making various efforts to prevent global warming. As part of the plan, it is considered an eco-friendly vehicle instead of diesel and gasoline vehicles, an internal combustion engine. Electric vehicles with 로투스 바카라 batteries are emerging as a powerful solution.

Our country has the world's best 로투스 바카라-cell manufacturing technology and companies, but with that alone, Not competitive. This is because securing 로투스 바카라 materials is paramount. 로투스 바카라 is a key material for 로투스 바카라 batteries, and the market is expanding with the rapid growth of the electric vehicle market. However, it is a key resource that relies entirely on foreign imports.

EcoPro Innovation was established to supply and demand core materials of EcoPro. Develops the manufacturing and processing technology of 로투스 바카라 compounds, a key material for 로투스 바카라 batteries. I have secured a value chain for 로투스 바카라 batteries.

Crushing and drying of ultra-pure carbonate and 로투스 바카라 hydroxide, currently used in eco-probim, etc. And we manufacture and supply 로투스 바카라 nickel oxide, an electrode additive. EcoProinnovation also makes battery-grade 로투스 바카라 hydroxide from low-purity 로투스 바카라. Securing 로투스 바카라 resources, a key ingredient in the fourth industry, and completing the process technology. We are also working on securing the technology for waste 로투스 바카라 recyclables.

Company status

  • Corporate name

    EcoPro Innovation
  • Establishment

    July 2005
  • CEO

    Kim Yoon tae
  • Employee status

    246 people As of march 2024
  • Sales

    KRW 439.4 billion 2023 Annual Report
  • Capital

    KRW 687 billion 2023 Annual Report

Main Business Area

  • 로투스 바카라
    carbonate grinding and drying

    로투스 바카라 carbonate, used as an additive to manufacture 로투스 바카라-ion battery electrodes. Crushing and drying, moisture content less than 100 ppm, average diameter of 2.5 mm

  • 로투스 바카라
    로투스 바카라 hydroxide fine powder

    로투스 바카라 hydroxide pulverization used as a material for 로투스 바카라-ion battery anode active material Processing and refining, averaging 20 μm in diameter, not more than 100 ppb of magnetic material