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온라인 바카라, Sharing Happiness through Lunchbox Volunteer Activity (February 17, 2023) 글보기
온라인 바카라, Sharing Happiness through Lunchbox Volunteer Activity (February 17, 2023)
Name 담당자 Posted 2023.02.17 00:00 Views 5,904

On February 17, we carried out a 'New Year's Sharing of Love and Happiness Lunchbox' volunteer activity, targeting 150 households including the elderly, disabled, children, and single-parent families in Cheongju City.

Around 30 온라인 바카라 employees participated, starting from packing warm side dishes to personally delivering them to households, enabling them to check on the well-being of the elderly.

Going forward, 온라인 바카라 plans to conduct various social contribution activities for vulnerable households. Your continued interest and support are greatly appreciated.

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