• NEWS
  • IR 뉴스
  • Corporate Strategy for Vision 2030
    WakuWaku Explosion 2030
    To be a company wholly committed to a “Waku Waku Future”


Corporate Strategy for Vision 2030
WakuWaku Explosion 2030
To be a company wholly committed to a “Waku Waku Future”

  • 2022/03/04 IR 뉴스

announces that the company has defined a vision toward 2030 for our further sustainable growth and the management policy “WakuWaku* Explosion 2030” toward our vision at the March 4

“Let us contribute to building a better society through our corporate activities

With the slogan “KAERU (committed to change)” the company has been making efforts to improve the business performance and establish environments that respect diverse values ​​so that every employee works with pride and job satisfaction

we will be striving to improve further the stable profit structure and corporate culture that we have been fostering under a new management system with the initiative by President Akinori Higuchi

up-lifting feeling inspired by inner motivations and/or own wills

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