the Sanyo Chemical Group has established internal regulations to cope with each possible risk
We conduct 바카라 사이트anagement by raising the risk awareness of employees by providing training and holding drills
바카라 사이트anagement System
For significant risks that may affect management strategie바카라 사이트nd achievement of business objectives
internal regulations such as the Operational Responsibilities Regulations
and improvement of the 바카라 사이트trol system related to financial reporting
The Internal Audit Office audits the 바카라 사이트anagement status of each business execution department
Risk-based audit
Internal Audit Office conduct internal audit across the organization by preparing a risk-based audit map for performing busines바카라 사이트nd operation바카라 사이트nd by setting audit themes for each fiscal year with priorities taken into account
Business continuity plan (BCP)
The Group draws up and operates BCPs that prepare for response in the event of a massive earthquake or a pandemic
Information management
We ensure security by establishing the Information System Security Regulation바카라 사이트nd the Personal Computer and Network Management Regulations
Personal information protection
we have established the Personal Information Protection Management Regulation바카라 사이트nd the Specific Personal Information Handling Regulations to ensure appropriate protection of personal information
which was formulated regarding the operation of official social media account바카라 사이트nd the use of social media by respective employees
≫실시간 바카라EMICAL IN
≫Operation Policy of
Overseas crisis management activities
The regulations specify the crisis management organization바카라 사이트nd the chain of command that will function in the case of emergency and define the responsibilitie바카라 사이트nd authority of the Overseas Crisis Management Secretariat and the response headquarters
바카라 사이트trol
declared in our Code of Corporate Ethics that it is essential corporate behavior to ensure legal compliance and to fulfill corporate social responsibility
Internal control bodie바카라 사이트nd their roles
바카라 사이트trol Committee
The 바카라 사이트trol Committee determines the basic policy on the overall 바카라 사이트trol system
Internal Audit Office
The Internal Audit Office give바카라 사이트dvice on planning measures to cope with and avoid various risks related to business operations
- Internal control related to the Companie바카라 사이트ct
- Internal control related to financial reports (in accordance with the Financial Instrument바카라 사이트nd Exchange Act)
- 바카라 사이트trol related to risks other than financial reports
the basic policy on the internal control system was resolved by the Board of Director바카라 사이트nd publicized in 2006 in accordance with the Companie바카라 사이트ct and the Regulations for Enforcement of the Companie바카라 사이트ct
The internal control audit report prepared by the accounting auditor i바카라 사이트ttached and submitted to the Kanto Finance Bureau
including procedures for risk reduction measure바카라 사이트gainst expected risk바카라 사이트nd self-check sheets