
The Sanyo Chemical Group generates industrial waste such as waste oil, waste acids and alkalis, waste plastics, and scrap metal in the process of manufacturing chemicals and other products. To contribute to achieving a circular economy and a sustainable society, we practice the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) for the effective use of resources. As an important issue for us, we will focus particularly on generating less waste (reduce) as that will lead to less CO2 emissions during incineration and disposal.

Targets and Results

바카라 잘하는 법ed

Waste generated in 바카라 잘하는 법3 was 40 thousand tons. We are on track to achieve our goal of 36 thousand tons or less by the end of 바카라 잘하는 법4, and will continue our efforts to reduce waste.
We kept landfill disposal at 0.01% of 바카라 잘하는 법ed. Twelve of all of our of 15 sites had zero landfill disposal.

바카라 잘하는 법ed

바카라 잘하는 법ed

Resource Recycling and Waste Reduction

Material Flow of Waste (바카라 잘하는 법3)

Material flow of waste

The Sanyo Chemical Group generates large volumes of waste material that is a mixture of water and organic matter, such as cleaning water for equipment and products and waste liquids generated during manufacturing processes. As this material is not suitable for recycling, 47.1% of the waste we generate is incinerated within the company, while the 28.1% is reduced in weight outside the company.
In addition, 24.9% of our waste is recycled either inside or outside the company.

Reducing 바카라 잘하는 법ion

Due to a new focus on prioritizing sales of high-value-added products in our management policy, our product mix has changed and 바카라 잘하는 법ion intensity has decreased due to a reduction in the production of products that generate a large amount of waste. 바카라 잘하는 법ion per unit of production has further declined due to 바카라 잘하는 법ion control measures such as optimizing (reducing) the amount of raw materials used, improving yields, and reviewing the frequency of and methods for cleaning equipment.

Changes in waste intensity (domestic)

Changes in waste intensity (domestic)

Examples of recycling

In 바카라 잘하는 법3, 2.8% of waste generated was recycled inside and 22.1% was recycled outside the company.

(Specific examples)

  • Solvents used for cleaning equipment are constantly reused in-house.
  • Solvents and monomers that are recovered in the production process and that can be recycled are refined and reused.
  • Metals, wood, paper, and other materials undergo material recycling outside the company.
  • Some waste plastics undergo material recycling outside the company. Most undergo thermal reycling.

Contribution through products

We offer product lines that contribute to the sustainable use of resources, categorizing them by the keywords “weight reduction,” “low additive amount,” “long service life,” “high durability,” “increased yield,” and “use of biomass (non-petrochemical).”

Reduction and recycling of industrial waste from plastic products

Our company falls under the category of a high-volume waste producer (producing 250 tons or more per year) as defined in the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics. Although domestic affiliates are not classified as high-volume waste producers, they are working to produce less waste while sharing information with Sanyo Chemical.
Some of this waste is recycled into raw materials for roadbed materials and plastic products, and most are thermally recycled.

Emissions Status and Reduction Target

(Unit: tons)

*Horizontally scrollable

Waste production (Sanyo Chemical) Waste production (domestic subsidiaries and affiliates*)
바카라 잘하는 법1 Results 1,061 48
바카라 잘하는 법2 결과 959 52
바카라 잘하는 법3 Target 1,185 48
Results 1,131 33
바카라 잘하는 법4 Target 1,147 34
  • SDP Global Co., Ltd.; San Chemical Co., Ltd.; SAN NOPCO LIMITED; and San-Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.

Information about waste treatment facility maintenance

In accordance with the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleaning (Article 15-2-3, Paragraph 2), we will publicize information on the maintenance of the two facilities concerned.

Nagoya Factory (Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, Japan): Liquid Combustion Furnace

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Maintenance plan and status File
Maintenance plan PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법4) PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법3) PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법2) PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법1) PDF

Nagoya Factory (Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, Japan): Miscellaneous Refuse Incinerator

*Horizontally scrollable

Maintenance plan and status File
Maintenance plan PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법4) PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법3) PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법2) PDF
Maintenance status (바카라 잘하는 법1) PDF